Let me help get your academic writing ready for publication.

From abstract to references I will make sure that your research paper, dissertation, journal article, grant application, or book will need the least amount of revision prior to submission to committees, publishers, and/or leading academic journals.


My services

  • Editing academic writing for clarity

  • Revising work by writers whose first language is not English

  • Reading closely to make sure your ideas are organized in the clearest way

  • Ensuring that your originality and contributions to your field come across clearly in your work

  • Offering suggestions using Word's comment feature when needed, as well as explaining changes I have made

  • Being available to answer questions you may have along the revision process

Photo: Mike Thelwall, Stefanie Haustein, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto (paper). Finn Årup Nielsen (screenshot)/CC BY 4.0/Wikimedia Commons)

Back Matter

Journals and thesis committees are notoriously stringent when it comes to accuracy in the format of your citations, references, appendices, etc. This becomes even more daunting when taking into account the various style manuals required for different disciplines. I am committed to ensuring that your back matter is as flawless as your content.

Subject Matter Areas

I have professionally edited academic papers for business professors and postgraduates. I also taught several upper level business and technical writing courses to university undergraduates.
Social Sciences
I have degrees in anthropology and gender studies, with interdisciplinary subtopics such as psychology, linguistics, religion, and sociology.
I have taken an extensive amount of classes and workshops in creative writing, both fiction and poetry, as well as many literature courses. I have taught literature to undergraduates.
Languages / Linguistics
I am familiar with both German and Spanish. I have studied linguistics on a college level and beyond, and I learn new languages easily. This helps me in the editing and proofreading of works by authors whose work has been translated into English.
In addition to academic nonfiction, I am an avid reader and writer of fiction. I welcome all genres for editing, whether at the level of a beta reader, a proofreader, or a developmental editor. My favorites are historical fiction, psychological horror, and speculative fiction of all kinds.